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Women’s health: How you can live a healthier life at any age, starting now – BJC HealthCare

It’s no secret that when women are healthy, families and communities thrive. But from menstruation to menopause, women face many distinct — and sometimes complex — health events that require care, understanding and partnership from a health care provider.

This National Women’s Health Week, make your health a priority by leaning into preventive care and taking action to live your healthiest life now. Scroll down to find some ideas based on your age and stage of life, and remember: No matter wher
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels

Good to Gather? Find Out if You’re Still Contagious – BJC HealthCare

Cold weather ushers in Thanksgiving feasts, holiday cheer, parties with friends and family — and the common cold and flu. That’s because these viruses appear to spread more easily in colder, less humid air. With all the indoor socializing during the colder months of the year, from family gatherings to office parties, it’s essential to know how long you may be contagious after getting sick so you don’t infect others.

Below are some common illnesses that you or your loved ones may experience duri
Photo by Luis Quintero on Pexels

H2-Whoa: How to Find and Fix the Biggest Wastes of Water in Your Home with Green Mortgages

To put it bluntly: The ongoing effects of climate change on one of our most vital natural resources is putting us at risk.

Droughts that used to occur once a decade are now happening 70% more frequently , according to global scientists. Last fall, 92% of the American West was in drought status , and the arrival of La Niña is only making things worse. The Colorado River, which supplies water to 40 million people in the Southwest, has been in a 21-year warming and drying trend that’s depleting th

Terrorism Risk Insurance Report | Marsh

Managing terrorism risk today requires a combination of strategies and tactics that protect people, property, and finances. On the financial side, the choice is whether to retain or transfer the risk via insurance. But the changing pattern of terrorism risk has some companies questioning whether they are adequately insured for business interruption and related losses. And they wonder how to prepare for potential losses from cyber terrorism and other events.

The “2016 Terrorism Risk Insurance

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