My Work

Samples of content that I've developed and/or led.

Women’s health: How you can live a healthier life at any age, starting now – BJC HealthCare

It’s no secret that when women are healthy, families and communities thrive. But from menstruation to menopause, women face many distinct — and sometimes complex — health events that require care, understanding and partnership from a health care provider.

This National Women’s Health Week, make your health a priority by leaning into preventive care and taking action to live your healthiest life now. Scroll down to find some ideas based on your age and stage of life, and remember: No matter wher

Closing the gap: Addressing Black maternal mortality – BJC HealthCare

Motherhood can be a time of joy and new beginnings. Every person deserves health and safety throughout their birthing journey, which can influence the well-being of mothers, children, families and their communities. But for many Black women, the reality is a disproportionate maternal mortality rate that continues to affect cities and counties across the nation—including the St. Louis area.

The statistics for Black mothers are stark and sobering: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (C

Snot 101: Why does your snot change colors — and how you can get rid of it – BJC HealthCare

Like clockwork, two times a year — cold and flu season and allergy season — we get a tingle in our sinuses that can only mean one thing: The snot floodgates are about to open.

For days, weeks or months, depending on the affliction, it can feel like our sinuses are congested and our noses are constantly running. (In the case of small children, the snotty conditions can seem eternal.) But as common as snot is, questions remain. Why does snot change colors? Is yellow or green snot a sign of an inf
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels

Good to Gather? Find Out if You’re Still Contagious – BJC HealthCare

Cold weather ushers in Thanksgiving feasts, holiday cheer, parties with friends and family — and the common cold and flu. That’s because these viruses appear to spread more easily in colder, less humid air. With all the indoor socializing during the colder months of the year, from family gatherings to office parties, it’s essential to know how long you may be contagious after getting sick so you don’t infect others.

Below are some common illnesses that you or your loved ones may experience duri

Zoom Towns and Cloud Commuting: The Impact of Remote Work on the Housing Industry

The number of employees working from home offices is increasing, and some are also opting to keep their current jobs and relocate to less expensive and more desirable areas. Companies are now considering whether to maintain pay scales based strictly on job roles and responsibilities or adapt them to consider the area’s cost of living. Either scenario can potentially affect home prices, affordability, inventory, and financing options. What does this mean for future borrowers’ purchasing decisions
Photo by Luis Quintero on Pexels

H2-Whoa: How to Find and Fix the Biggest Wastes of Water in Your Home with Green Mortgages

To put it bluntly: The ongoing effects of climate change on one of our most vital natural resources is putting us at risk.

Droughts that used to occur once a decade are now happening 70% more frequently , according to global scientists. Last fall, 92% of the American West was in drought status , and the arrival of La Niña is only making things worse. The Colorado River, which supplies water to 40 million people in the Southwest, has been in a 21-year warming and drying trend that’s depleting th

What Millennials Want in a House and How Lenders Can Help

There are more than 72 million millennials in the U.S., making them the largest segment of the population and a huge influence as consumers driving the economy, according to Freddie Mac’s analysis of the 2019 U.S. Census. Millennials are at or approaching the peak age to purchase homes, yet they trail behind other generations because of financial limitations, lifestyle choices and lack of affordable inventory.

Still, most of them plan on eventually buying a house, though must-have features are

Cyber Risk for Lenders: Data Privacy Security in the Age of Digital Mortgages

The race is on and so is the pressure to attract a younger, more tech-centric borrower through a digital end-to-end mortgage lending process. Few, if any, handle more personal identifiable data, regulatory scrutiny and public trust than the mortgage industry—all of which make mortgage companies an enticing target for hackers.

The concern is real—hackers could potentially steal data on an estimated 60 million U.S. mortgage records with a possible financial loss of close to $60 billion.1 But prot

Terrorism Risk Insurance Report | Marsh

Managing terrorism risk today requires a combination of strategies and tactics that protect people, property, and finances. On the financial side, the choice is whether to retain or transfer the risk via insurance. But the changing pattern of terrorism risk has some companies questioning whether they are adequately insured for business interruption and related losses. And they wonder how to prepare for potential losses from cyber terrorism and other events.

The “2016 Terrorism Risk Insurance

Grand Forks' historic flood stands as current model for disaster preparedness

Grand Forks, N.D., a community devastated in 1997 by floodwater from the Red River, today stands as a model for disaster preparedness and resiliency.

Working with federal and local governments and the community, Grand Forks completed its flood-protection project 10 years after the historic flood and now says it can withstand a 500-year flood event.

In the wake of recent U.S. disasters such as Superstorm Sandy, such efforts are crucial for cities, public entities and municipalities as they look

The challenges of uncertainty

Deborah M. Luthi is president of the Risk & Insurance Management Society Inc. She also is enterprise risk manager for the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. Speaking recently with Business Insurance Associate Editor Mike Tsikoudakis, Ms. Luthi described many uncertainties facing risk managers today, key steps for risk managers to help their organizations confront those challenges and the New York-based society's strategic initiatives in 2012.

2011 was a year full of the unexpected and k

Julie DeSantis works to streamline Sony insurance coverage

To streamline and consolidate more than 200 policies into 100 policies over five years across multiple Sony Corp. of America business units under the broadest terms and conditions, Julie DeSantis has fostered strategic relationships in the insurance industry.

Consolidating and buying insurance coverage such as commercial general liability across several Sony subsidiaries is not viewed as buying a commodity or as a purchasing function to get the lowest price, said Ms. DeSantis, New York-based vp